看书网 - 玄幻奇幻 - 洛斯樱的童话 - Chapter 43 Sardegna

Chapter 43 Sardegna[第1页/共2页]


“see you monday!”

“good afternoon ladies and gentle men, how are you today?”班主任问道

“咳咳!”教员决计咳嗽了几声“and we will be with the classes a and b! so。。 this week-end you will rest and pack your laggage…”








“next week, is the school trip week, and。。。we are leaving china! our destination is。。。italy!” (下个礼拜,是黉舍旅游的礼拜。。。我们将会分开中国!我们的目标地是。。。意大利!)教员快速地浏览了一遍全班人的反应,发明他们竟然每个都很当真地听着她说话,上课都没见过这么当真!接着又持续说道“we are going to sardegna, an island, and i think we’ll have a really nice week! you can know x yourself!” (我们将去沙丁岛,一座岛屿,并且我信赖我们将会度过一个夸姣的礼拜!你们能够多熟谙些朋友和放松你们本身!)

“miss yin!” 教员峻厉地叫道“tell rmation about sardegna!”教员是看准了晨这类穷家女孩不会晓得甚么关于sardegna的质料,乃至连听都没听过它的名字。




“bye miss!”

“i’m sorry miss, i’m too excited!”(对不起教员,我太冲动了!)晨停顿了下,发明全班都仿佛在等候她出丑而她那两个姐妹竟然完整疏忽她在那边谈天,无法之下晨又持续说道“sardegna is the second largest island in the mediterranean sea, after sicily and before cyprus。 it’s an autonoion of italy。 the most important cities are cagliari, sassari, olbia and alghero…” 晨噼里啪啦的将她所晓得的全都说了出来。